Letters to Glenn, who writes a science
trivia newsletter.
Messages 1 and 2, in an occasional series
Subject: Anyone Interested in the
possibilities of time travel?
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:25:41 EST
I've designed a Time Machine and a Galaxy
Jumper, I Invented a Wireless Dygnostic Portable Wireless hand held
malfunction Engine Scanner, it has a tracking device, Sensors in it for
finding problems in Motors, plus I'm work on developing a device that
disassembles solid objects and reassembles them in other locations. I design
free form futuristic Houses, cars, submersibles. I have no money or Contacts
for building Prototypes, How can I find Scientist with Open Minds who are not
argumentative skeptics, Engineers who can Mathematically configure, build free
form shapes, I only Create on paper.
Subject: Futuristic Inventions Now
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 17:48:17 EST
I'm developing a Box that Lights up, you put
Bulk Mail in it, click Destination, it automatically turns on, disassembles
Bulk Mail and Reassembles it at Required Destination, We have the Technology,
Nothing Is impossible With God. Where skeptics will say it is Impossible but
doers make it Possible. Cuts Shipping Costs, Time to get there, smaller mail
will still be hand delivered, and planes and ships will still ship mail and
oversized Cargo. Anyone interested in my Inventions on Anti-Gravity Electro
Magnetic Propulsion Systems and Design Created Systems used in TV Movies like
"Earth The Final Conflict' Futuristic Creations Prototypes by 1) Designs
Unlimited 2) Project Space Communications